Helpful tips for

finding time for dedicated prayer on camp

Bible at sunrise on a field prayer on camo

Practical ways to include a dedicated time of prayer on camp

You’ll be hard-pressed to come across a Christian whose life has not been moved in one way or another during a church camp or youth camp.

There is something about being out in nature, surrounded by a group of trusted and like-minded people, who are being intentional about seeking God.

A large part of a successful Church Camp or Christian Youth Camp is prayer. Sometimes busyness of the logistics and programme can pull from this important mission. Because of this challenge, it may seem to be a daunting or even near-impossible task to fit in a dedicated time of prayer on camp. But as I am sure you already agree and need no convincing of, prayer is as equally important, if not more important than games or talks when it comes to creating a lasting impact from camp experiences.

Here are some ideas of where to fit in dedicated prayer time in your camp programme:
Before camp icon

Pre-Camp prayer

Meeting together as leaders about a week before camp for a dedicated prayer time is a great way to spiritually prepare the camp. Seeking God to prepare hearts to hear His word, and to guide the camp speakers and worship leaders, can go a long way to prepare to connect with God.

Whatsapp prayer

Whatsapp prayer Team

Build a group of prayer-warriors off-site who volunteer to join a WhatsApp group. Prayer requests can be sent each day of camp. This is a great way to involve parents and congregants.

Sun Icon

Before the day starts

Camp leaders can get together to pray for the campers, sessions and activities before the start of the day and/or at the end of every day.

Pre-Meeting Prayer Time

Having some team members spend some time in prayer in the venue goes a long way to preparing the atmosphere that the campers are coming into.

Popcorn Prayers

Popcorn Prayers

Train your leaders and campers to say “popcorn prayers” throughout the day. Encourage them to "pop-up" little prayers as the day proceeds, and as needs arise.

Quiet Prayer Time

Set-Aside Prayer Time

Schedule in a time for campers to go find a quiet or inspiring spot under a tree, or overlooking a field to have some one-on-one prayer time with Jesus. Use a prayer journal to encourage deeper prayers.

Editable Prayer Journal
We have created this simple to use editable prayer journal for you to use on your next camp. Follow these easy steps to have a customisable prayer journal to give to each of your campers.
Editable Prayer journal
How to use & print the Editable Prayer Journal.
A Step by Step Guide:
  • Step 1: Download the prayer journal
  • Step 2: Open the prayer journal in Adobe Acrobat or your favourite PDF viewer
  • Step 3: Fill in the blank text fields (indicated with blue boxes on each page) – if you don’t want to fill in any particular field, don’t worry, it will just print that field blank.
  • Step 4: Print the journal and hand it out to your campers to use during camp. The journal has been designed to be printed back to front with page 2 of the PDF being the cover of the booklet. Most printers have a “booklet” setting which is the setting to use when printing and print from page 2-13.
  • Helpful hint: Be sure to do a test print first to ensure you have it set up correctly for your printer’s settings.

Share your own tips and tricks

What are some useful ways that you have managed to fit in dedicated prayer time at camp?
We welcome you to share these ideas/tips and tricks with us.

Complete the form below to submit your ideas.
We may decide to share each tip we receive on our social media profiles, giving you and/or your church credit.

Please only complete the fields you are comfortable with or have permission for us to sharw on social media.

Bonus points go to those who submit a reel-sized video for us to share – a voucher will be emailed to you.

*You are also welcome to send us a DM on social media with your tips and reels.

Ready to turn these tips into reality?

Start planning your next church camp.

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